Individual Coaching & Holistic Wellness

Coaching has an enormously important role in the development and sustainability of World-Class organizations. We support individuals by focusing on the aspects of their personality and behavior which contribute to their success, as well as the areas holding them back from reaching their full potential.

  • Vision, Mission, Purpose & Legacy Coaching
  • Customized Personal Development Plans that address all Life Arenas of interest
  • “What you do over the next few months will determine the next few years of your life.  How you manage critical mass of this moment will determine the outcome whether you acquiesce back to the gravitational pull of your ordinariness or whether you break through into another orbit, another dimension of who you are.”   ~Deleon

Beyond Business Conversation Groups

What are “BBC Groups”.  BBC groups are a deep blend of 1:1 coaching as well as benefiting from group coaching with an accountability partner component.  BBC Groups are small groups of business owners who set goals together, ask for collective help from the group, and ask for accountability on action plans. These groups are lead by a SigEx facilitator who will drive the group.  This group is not designed for the light hearted rather, only for people who have a strong desire to grow/change/transform many life arenas.  Deep personal and professional content to make each participant a better version of themselves. BBC members will also bring his/her own challenges/topics they want to discuss.  The obstacles they face are addressed by the group and brainstorming takes place. The facilitator asks probing questions of the group and keeps conversation focused on helping each member. Each member is given adequate time to state their question and receive feedback. Once their time is up, the focus shifts to another member until each person has had a chance to speak. The format remains consistent for each meeting with only the topics of conversation changing (based on questions posed by the members).  Facilitator encourages each member to bring their biggest challenges to the meeting and will talk individually with members who need coaching or help with identifying problems that lie in their business.

The groups would consist of 8-12 business owners in a category. (Categories could be based on location, industry, size, personas, or challenges). For instance, there could be a “North Columbus-Area BBC”, a “Life Arenas BBC” or “Solopreneur BBC”,  a “Restaurateur BBC” or “Marketing BBC”. Categories could be developed based on feedback from survey to client companies or important focus areas for Common Capital. BBC Groups would be hand selected and open and a closed tight knit group. Meetings would take place 2Xs/month for 2.5 hours. Possible locations: Rotating member conference room at their place of business, private room in a restaurant. The idea is to find a safe area where topics will be held confidential and away from the public.